ミュータントX [TV Series] (2001-2004)
[原題(Original Title)] Mutant X
[製作国(Country)] カナダ(Canada)/アメリカ(USA)
[時間(Running Time)] 60分(60 mins)
[Season/Episode Count(シーズン/エピソード数)]1-3/66 episodes
[放送開始日(Premiere Date)] October 6, 2001(USA) / October 20,2001 (Canada)
[ロケ地(Filming Location)] Toronto,Ontario,Canada
[Weblinks] IMDb, epguides.com:Mutant X, Drama Story, Official Site(Japan), 海外ドラマ総合データベース

Creator - Avi Arad

Adam..............................John Shea ジョン・シーア (中田和宏)
Shalimar Fox..............Victoria Pratt  ビクトリア・プラット (茉雪千鶴)
Jesse Kilmartin.........Forbes March  フォーブス・マーチ (櫻井孝宏)
Brennan Mulwray....Victor Webster ビクター・ウェブスター (大黒和広)
Emma DeLauro.........Lauren Lee Smith ローレン・リー・スミス (笹島かほる)
Mason Eckhart..........Tom McCamus トム・マッカムス (花田光)

Stu's Guest-starring Episode:
Season 3, Episode 15: Divided Loyalties (第59話 揺らぐ忠誠心)
Original Air Date: February 23, 2004 (Canada) / ???? (Japan)
Written by:David Wilks

米国盤DVD[US - Complete Third Season]
国内盤DVD[シーズン3 DVD-Box]
From IMDb.com:
A secret government project to create genetic mutants results in them being released into the general population. One of the scientists responsible, Adam, has sworn to try and help them, while his co-partner, Mason Eckhart, plans on using the project for his own ends. Adam assembles four mutants and forms the group "Mutant X" to help mutants everywhere, and oppose Eckhart.


[Story of "Divided Loyalties"/第59話「揺らぐ忠誠心」のストーリー]
From TV.com:
Brennan is forced to return to his criminal past when Mutant X discovers that his old partner is involved in stealing secrets from the Dominion.


[Script of "Divided Loyalties"(English)/第59話「揺らぐ忠誠心」の台本(英語版)]
TwizTV.com: Free TV Scrips Database

[Stu's role(character)/Stuが演じたキャラクター]
mutantx_dividedloyalties0.jpg Einstein, one of the theves who are stealing electronic keys to a safebox at the beginning of this episode. But the guard shoots Einstein in the leg. Ethan(Robert Seeliger), the leader of the theves, shoots the guard and then Einstein to death.

冒頭のシーンにのみ出演。冒頭で銀行に忍び込み、貸し金庫の中からハイテクのキーを盗み出した強盗団メンバーの一人・アインシュタイン(Einstein)役。しかし強盗中に警備員に足を撃たれ、リーダーのイーサン(Robert Seeliger)に足手まといだとして射殺されてしまう。
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